Deploying Movex
Event though you don't have to write any server specific code for Movex to work there still needs to be a server running the show. It's waht makes Server-Authoritative possible.
1. Generic Deploying
This example uses yarn, but you should change the installing commands to the prefered package manager.
- Make sure the Cli (Movex-Service) is installed
yarn add --dev movex-service
- Install all the project dependencies
- Serve it
npx movex serve
2. Via Docker
Here is a sample Dockerfile. You can paste it as is if you're using 'yarn' or change to accordingly to the package manager of your choice (lines 12-13).
FROM node:16-alpine as builder
# USER node
WORKDIR /home/node
COPY ./package*.json ./
COPY ./yarn.lock ./
# Install global deps
RUN apk add g++ make py3-pip git yarn
RUN rm -rf node_modules && yarn install --frozen-lockfile && yarn add movex-server movex-service
COPY --chown=node:node . .
CMD ["npx", "movex build"]
# RUN node build
# ---
FROM node:16-alpine
ENV NODE_ENV production
# USER node
WORKDIR /home/node
COPY --from=builder --chown=node:node /home/node/local ./local/
COPY --from=builder --chown=node:node /home/node/node_modules/ ./node_modules/
COPY --from=builder --chown=node:node /home/node/dist/ ./dist/
COPY --from=builder --chown=node:node /home/node/runner.js ./
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "runner.js"]
Also, make sure to map the Exposed PORT (i.e. 3333) to the desired port when you're running the built image.
docker run -d -p 3333:{MY_PORT}