Movex is feature-complete yet still in Development for now. Contributions and feedback are much appreciated!
Using Movex

Using Movex

Remeber, the state logic lives in the reducer, which only needs to be written once, at the client level, as if building a single player or front-end only app. Movex makes it possible to take the movex.js file, upload it on a server and run it as the authority, without you, the developer having to write any specific code or hooking up anything. (Except setting up the Movex Backend Service or using a hosting provider. But this should only be done once).

// counter.movex.ts
import { Action } from 'movex';
export type CounterState = {
  count: number;
export const initialCounterState: CounterState = {
  count: 0,
export type CounterActions =
  | Action<'increment'>
  | Action<'decrement'>
  | Action<'incrementBy', number>;
export default (state = initialCounterState, action: CounterActions) => {
  if (action.type === 'increment') {
    return {
      count: state.count + 1,
  if (action.type === 'decrement') {
    return {
      count: state.count - 1,
  if (action.type === 'incrementBy') {
    return {
      count: state.count + action.payload,
  return state;

Define the movex.config. This is where the movex reducers get assigned a resource type.

// This will be read by both the client and the server
import counterReducer from './counter.movex';
export default {
  resources: {
    counter: counterReducer,
// App.ts
const movex = await new Promise((resolve) => {
      url: props.socketUrl,
      apiKey: '',
const conterResource = movex.registerResource(
// use it
const counterResourceIdentifier = conterResource.create();
// movex.resources is MovexResource({});
counterResource.onUpdated(counterResourceIdentifier, (nextState) => {
  console.log('got next state', nextState);